Tuesday, September 4, 2012

If The Ouya Fails, You (Probably) Won’t Be Getting Your Money Back

What will happen if those 63,000 bakers won't see a return on their investment in the form of an Ouya console?

An NPR report on the service spoke with Julie Uhrman and here is what she said.

"Technically, from the Kickstarter perspective, I actually don't know the answer to that," she said. "But from a doing-the-right-thing perspective, we will treat our backers the best possible way."

That's when Ouya PR rep Tiffany Spencer says, "That's a Kickstarter policy question."
So NPR reporter Aarti Shahani asks Kickstarter founder Yancey Strickler whether, in the unlikely event the Ouya can't be delivered, would the company be able to intervene?
"You know, that would be new ground," he replied. "I don't know. I mean, no, I don't think that we would. But certainly, the kind of thing you're talking about is not a bridge that has been crossed yet. Someday it will. And you know, I think if something did go awry, it would be - it wouldn't be my favorite day."
I know the service is still in its infancy, and that with so much money and talent behind it the Ouya should arrive just fine, but those are not words that inspire confidence in Kickstarter's ability to manage things when, inevitably, something comes along that does screw people over.

You can read the full story here

Source : kotaku
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